I’m Pick, owner of No Egrets Antiques on eBay and seller at shows and markets. Grin is my husband and merchandise loader and hauler.
Pick: I just finished pricing and wrapping the last batch of antiques for the Elkhorn (WI) Antique Flea Market, and our last outdoor market of the season.
Grin: That leaves me to do the heavy lifting and the struggle to get it all in our vans. I think we need a semi for next year.
Pick: You are always semi-thinking.
Grin: I guess our van is about the right size for the shows we do. It’s just too small when we have a double booth.
Pick: If our winter indoor sales follow the trend we may need a bigger truck for next year. I have been pleased with the increased interest and our sales of antiques at this year’s markets.
Grin: Leaving the collector figurines and plates in storage along with the glassware that sold well in the past has helped. When that market returns, we’ll be prepared for those sales!
Pick: We have been doing very well with primitives and decorative metal antiques.
Grin: You think of every piece of rusty metal as “Man Cave Art.” Much of that is too heavy to even hang on a wall. And guess who has to load and unload every fifty pound stove or machine part? Let’s stop calling me the mule.
Pick: Well, I can think of another name for mule, but you don’t like that one either! As far as rusty stuff goes, it’s selling. And the addition to our mix has greatly helped sales. Most of our friends in the business, flea market sellers and antique store owners, all agree the bottom was hit and the climb back to normal is steep but manageable. It reflects what we saw this year and gives hope to an even better year to come.
Grin: Let’s have a toast to a great upcoming season!
Pick: I don’t think it would be wise to give me a “toasting drink” while I am still loading it up!