The Associate Producer for the new TLC series My Collection Obsession (How did I miss this show?! Oh, it aired as a “special.”) contacted us about casting for the first season.
We are currently casting for our first season, and are on the hunt for serious and dedicated collectors that would like to showcase and their prized collections and share their passionate pursuits for the next great piece.
I am reaching out to see if you know of collectors that may be interested in participating in our show, and if there was anyway we could post a casting call through your site.
“Yup.” And, “yup.” *wink*
Below is the official casting call. If you do contact them with hopes of getting on the TV show, please do Inherited Values a favor, and let them know you spotted the call here, thanks!
TLC and the producers of “My Collection Obsession” are currently looking for serious and dedicated collectors of all kinds.
Marilyn With Doll Collection On TLC's My Collection Obsession
Is collecting a part of your daily life?
Are parts of your collection in every room of your house?
Do you have unique and special objects that you are extremely proud of?
* Collectors must reside within the united states & U.S. Territories/Canada.
* Your collection must either be truly grand in scale, extremely unique or rare, or have an amazing back story.
* Collecting must be part of your lifestyle, not just a small side hobby.
If interested, please send a description of what you collect, and why and how you do so to If available, please also include any photos, articles, or videos that will help us assess the extent of your collection. All submissions will be kept for internal use only.
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