1.) In Share & Share Alike: Why Posting Your “Junk” Is Worthy Of Your Time, yours truly (at one of her other blogs) shares an incredible example of why people should post and write about their collections and collectibles online.
2.) The Ephemera Society of America has posted a call for papers for presentation at next year’s annual conference, to be held in Old Greenwich, CT, on Friday, March 16, 2012. The theme for that conference is “American Social History as Seen Through Ephemera.” Presentations may address any aspect of American Social History; submissions are due by August 25, 2011.
3.) About five years ago, my hubby wrote about The Indiana Jones Dilemma: You, the collector, may want a rare or valuable item, but shouldn’t it belong in a museum? This was the subject of James Cuno’s Who Owns Antiquity? as well. If this stuff fascinates you, you should be reading Portable Antiquity Collecting and Heritage Issues, British archaeologist Paul Barford’s blog on the subject.
4.) Last, but not least, I thought you should know that Alan Luxmore of Picker Sisters is more than talented and hot; he’s incredibly funny. Not only did Luxmore leave a classy comment on my review of the show, but he also replied to my Facebook post in a very charming way. Producers of the show really need to make sure that we, the viewing audience, see more of all all Luxmore’s fabulous assets — his build skills and his sense of humor. (Whatever else God gave him, Luxmore showcases well enough so we can’t miss it *wink*)